Description: Waymo self-driving cars in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood began honking at each other late at night, disturbing residents' sleep. The autonomous vehicles, using a parking lot for ride pauses, triggered honking due to a glitch in their algorithms. Despite residents' complaints, the issue persisted for weeks until Waymo acknowledged the problem and began working on a fix.
View all entitiesAlleged: Waymo developed and deployed an AI system, which harmed San Francisco residents , South of Market residents and South of Market businesses.
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Reports Timeline · 2024
- View the original report at its source
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A South Market community is frustrated as Waymo cars keep convening and honking late at night. Alyssa Goard has the latest on how the neighborhood and company are responding.
In San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood, neighbors say … · 2024
- View the original report at its source
- View the report at the Internet Archive
Silicon Valley's latest disruption? Your sleep schedule. On Saturday, NBC Bay Area reported that San Francisco's South of Market residents are being awakened throughout the night by Waymo self-driving cars honking at each other in a parking…
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